It is rain cats n dog in ipoh since 3 pm,actually i like the rain it make me feel calmer.Since young i really like to play in the rain.Once when i was 17 years old it was 2 am,at that time i was staying in Brickfield,KL..One of my family fren woke up n the woke me up n actually suggested tat we play in the rain..WEIII 2 am IN THE RAIN...CRAZY la...but guess wat we did that we sneak out from the back door n we played n dance at least for one hour.the next day both of us was so sick but you know what it was worth it..i can never have that time back..miss u SHAM(she is in UK now,last week i spoke to her)
At this moment my Faizah n Kaif are both asleep,hubby is sleeping too(he is not well 2day)..Love you all..muahhhh
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Girl,aka,aka baby,jaania,mummy

My latest pic..memamg u all tak kan dpt lihat gambar penuh coz i ni gemukz bila dah kurus nanti i paste la before n after ok...hehehe tah bila la tuuu
Saturday, December 20, 2008
1-very bored.......
2-kaif n faizah tgh main atas katil
4-lapar belum take b'fast
5-otak kosong
6-nak buat something ..tapi apa hah..?
7-baru lepas menjerit mcm hantu kat faizah
8-tension(faizah buat tak tau je terus main gan kaif)
9-faizah nak gi kencing..arghhhh(tapi dia gi sorang)
10-lama tak enjoy
11-perjalan hidup amat membosankan
13-kaif mengintai bajinya(faizah)
14-sekali lagi menjerit kat faizah(degil sungguh)
15-rasa nak lari mana2 n menjerit sekuat hati
16-tension lagi
17-tgh marah(faizah buat perangai)
18-tgh buat muka paling hodoh n poyo(menyampah aku)
19-rasa gemuk(memang gemuk pun)
20-pening kepala(mata sebelah kat pc sebelah lagi on both of them_
21-kaif dah tension
22-aku dah tension
23-tgh marah lagi
24-weiiii tolong la i need a breakkkkkkkkkkkk
p/s dah saiko ke aku ni....???!!!!
2-kaif n faizah tgh main atas katil
4-lapar belum take b'fast
5-otak kosong
6-nak buat something ..tapi apa hah..?
7-baru lepas menjerit mcm hantu kat faizah
8-tension(faizah buat tak tau je terus main gan kaif)
9-faizah nak gi kencing..arghhhh(tapi dia gi sorang)
10-lama tak enjoy
11-perjalan hidup amat membosankan
13-kaif mengintai bajinya(faizah)
14-sekali lagi menjerit kat faizah(degil sungguh)
15-rasa nak lari mana2 n menjerit sekuat hati
16-tension lagi
17-tgh marah(faizah buat perangai)
18-tgh buat muka paling hodoh n poyo(menyampah aku)
19-rasa gemuk(memang gemuk pun)
20-pening kepala(mata sebelah kat pc sebelah lagi on both of them_
21-kaif dah tension
22-aku dah tension
23-tgh marah lagi
24-weiiii tolong la i need a breakkkkkkkkkkkk
p/s dah saiko ke aku ni....???!!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008

Date : Sabtu 27 December
Time : 4pm - 6pm
Venue :Taman Putra Perdana Presint 1, Putrajaya
Time : 4pm - 6pm
Venue :Taman Putra Perdana Presint 1, Putrajaya
Fee :no fee require..u can bring ur family,friends and ur other half just be informed it is Pot luck event so do bring along some FOOD!
Please email ur attendent to and dont forget to state ur Url blog (if u have one),ur nick in if u r not a silent reader,wat type of food u will be bringing,and how many people are you bringing along not to forget ur mobile number too
Dont waste any time,join the group and make some friends and u too can meet our blogger celebrity REDMUMMY..heheheHave loads of fun there.....

ehemm..First of I would like to thank my Blogger friend MAMAFUNKY!She was the one who is responsible over giving me this presious award(1st time dpt,sungguh terharu)..
And i would like to tell everyone out there 'Mari la jenguk blog saya"....heheheh
P/S thanks Mamafunky..muahhh
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I am trying to upload some photo and video since 3 dayz ago,langsung tak boleh,tension la.Dah banyak dalam collection....ARGGHH!!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Aku Bengang
Jangan ingat aku bodoh ok,kalau aku gelak je tak semestinya aku happy gan apa yg dilakukan kat aku,aku memang tak lawa tapi tak semestinya aku diperbodohkan,aku tak pandai bergaya tapi itu bukan alasan untuk memperlekehkan aku,Aku Serius Aku Tengah Bengang...jangan tunjuk pandai dengan berkata-kata and berlakon baik didepan aku...AKU BUKAN BODOH!!!
Hidup mesti jujur..paham maksud aku???!!!
aku memang spoting tapi ada limitnya,aku suka buat lawak tapi aku bukan boleh dipelawakkan...Ingat!!! AKU BUKAN BODOH...........
AKU TAK SUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hidup mesti jujur..paham maksud aku???!!!
aku memang spoting tapi ada limitnya,aku suka buat lawak tapi aku bukan boleh dipelawakkan...Ingat!!! AKU BUKAN BODOH...........
AKU TAK SUKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Angry,Upsad and Disapointed...
I feel so lonely and useless today,what ever i fight for or sacrifice for seems to be wasted..i have gone thru alot in my life and i thought after all that the people i love will understand and appreciate me more..but really I'm so disappointed...
i dont know who to trust anymore...everything seems so dull life is not what i wanted it to be...i only pray and hope my children dont go thru what i am going thru..AMIN
i dont know who to trust anymore...everything seems so dull life is not what i wanted it to be...i only pray and hope my children dont go thru what i am going thru..AMIN
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy birthday to my mum,my dad,my hubby,my bro's and sis inlaw's,my daughter and son not to forget my niece's,my granpa n granma,aunty's n uncle's ..and to all my friends out there..MAY GOD BLESS US ALL..AMIN..
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