Saturday, August 23, 2008


I love to listen to songs n depends n my mood what kind of song that i hear on the particular day.So today i am into this song.Why?The past few dayz i teringat kan zaman single.You see the song it self tells you why.But this insiden is not happening now ok,jangan salah faham...
This Was Once Upon A Time............

P/S...jarang sekali i dengar lagu melayu coz lagu2 zaman sekarang ni tak mendapat tempat di telinga ku..but this song kind of cool

Friday, August 22, 2008

IT IS 3.56pm.....???

yeah wat am i doing at home this time?shouldnt i be working......?????

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Check FAIZAH out :D


Dont Ask Me Why..hehehe of coz la..Im The Mother...Like My Mum said"Anak tu buruk mana pun tetap nampak cantik and comel dimata MUMMY...."well said kan....


Remember I told you that it a good day ..well yesterday i was working...YEAH WORKING hahaha,I got my self a part time job 3 to 9.30pm,and the place is right across my house,and my boss AH LING was so sweet allowing me to go back when ever KAIF needs feeding,or when FAIZAH needs to see cool is that....

I came home 3 time to feed KAIF,he didnt sleep till i get off from work..MUM said that he misses i feel like crying....
The most i miss FAIZAH....

The best part is my JAANIA miss me alot..muahhh

well friends and family do pray for me n my family..and may GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well tommorow will be a new day for me..yup....

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Sejak kebelangjangan ni..i selalu je senang tersinggung@terasa,even if it dont meant anything still i boleh terasa.So sensitive these day.I am still a human kan....

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ok what is exactly happening in my house this moment
1-My sis inla n my niece(sarah) is in the master bed room,sis in law is trying to get sarah to sleep
2-my bro(jep) is downstairs with his sudanis friend having some serious talk about religion and country
3-In my bedroom faizah is putting her abbuji to sleep,his is sleeping on her lap and she is tapping him
4-kaif is sleeping at the moment
5-I am on the pc typing this and waiting to pick my mum and youngest bro(farish),he is comming for school holiday

Thats what happening


I miss reading,really i read al most anything.The nasi lemak bungkus wit the newspaper pun jadi la i baca,but since i became a MOTHER everything chance,now I have to read my children hahaha.I am not complaining I am enjoying every moment of it.I know not everyday is a sunshine day,still I am prepared for the rain.So faizah and kaif apa lagi bully la your mummy kan...LOL

I Am Selfish

yeah i feel so bad for that,you know yesterday Kaif go his injection so of coz is in pain but last nite i was having fever and body ache...and Kaif seems so cranky..can you imagine i was giving lecture to my 3 months old boy,just becoz i was not well doest mean that everyone have to dance to my music right....
poor thing Kaif he dont understand what was going yet he became my victim...and you know what it was the same old story for Faizah too.I did the same to her when she was younger.Gosh i feel so useless...

To My Children.........sorry dear mummy is only a human.Mummy can make mistake to.Mummy will try not to repeat it ok,sorry again my jaans

The Many Faces of Faizah

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Could This Be Me!!!

You Are An ENFP
The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!

In love, you are quite the charmer. And you are definitely willing to risk your heart.
You often don't follow through with your flirting or professed feelings. And you do break a lot of hearts.

At work, you are driven but not a workaholic. You just always seem to enjoy what you do.
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

How you see yourself: compassionate, unselfish, and understanding

When other people don't get you, they see you as: gushy, emotional, and unfocused

Monday, August 11, 2008


well today i feel fine and healthy,and i am starting on my losing weight program,yeah i have a lots to lose,and get my self back into shape,
The Story Of My Weight:
when i was a child(baby) i was kind of chubby
then when i was growing up going to primary school i was skinny
at the peak of my life i was fit(yup and was proud of it)
then going into late 20s i start putting on weight(this was b4 i got married)
and now as a mother of two my weight is quit alarming,

I must LOSE weight for my children and also myself
so here we go wish me luck


All your children are not the same

yes it is true each of our child have their own identity and attitude,as parents we must not treat them equally and expect them to be the same as their other sibiling,that is very wrong
let them discover their own self and dont ever compare them with each other

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Luahan Hati ku

rasa so lonely this dayz..i am feeling very tired,fedup,upsad,giving up,helpless,useless,ugly,fat,disappointed,tension,angry,wasted,and the list goes on and on.........really today I AM HELPLESS

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tiny Model

well u guys know who she is right...she was in good mood n also she was jealous tat we were taking pictures of Kaif...hehehe
now i know how to trick her into taking pictures....

Events for the last 3 day

2/8/2008...went back to my kampung..yup Kuala Kangsar
for kenduri...well i did hav fun tat day..not to 4get Faizah..she was having a Gala time,bare foot walking aroung siap org panggil dia pehrock hehehe,n she was so quite the whole time we were there cam org bisu long as she was having fun n her mummy to siap kami menari lagi mlm tu..hahaaha tats wat very interesting in my Kampung..siap jadikan front porch to cam disco tech...n Kaif he was such a sweetie he made way for his mummy n baji(faizah) to hav the day to ourselves,he slept most of the time we were there..yela tido buai dah macam mabuk lak anak aku seorg tu....