Monday, August 4, 2008

Events for the last 3 day

2/8/2008...went back to my kampung..yup Kuala Kangsar
for kenduri...well i did hav fun tat day..not to 4get Faizah..she was having a Gala time,bare foot walking aroung siap org panggil dia pehrock hehehe,n she was so quite the whole time we were there cam org bisu long as she was having fun n her mummy to siap kami menari lagi mlm tu..hahaaha tats wat very interesting in my Kampung..siap jadikan front porch to cam disco tech...n Kaif he was such a sweetie he made way for his mummy n baji(faizah) to hav the day to ourselves,he slept most of the time we were there..yela tido buai dah macam mabuk lak anak aku seorg tu....

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